Are the movies from the past better than modern movies?

Interstellar (2014) - IMDb

2001: A Space Odyssey (film) - Wikipedia

I’m going to count movies from the late 60s70s and 80s as the movies from the past and the movies from the 90s, 2000s and 2010s as modern movies.

It’s hard to compare those movies,  let alone say which ones are better because they are so different and better at different things. Modern movies have much better special effects while the movies from the past have a lot more classics.

I think whether you like the past movies and the modern movies better also depends at which time you were born. A lot of times movies use a lot of references popular to the time of the movie so if you are younger than the movie you just might not get it and not enjoy the movie as much as someone who does get it.

Let’s compare the movie from the past and the modern movie which are the same gender.

2001:A Space Odyssey and Interstellar. Both are sci-fi/adventure movies about going to space and meeting aliens. Interstellar obviously has better special effects but I think that 2001 has a better, more complex story that has a bigger impact on your way of thinking.

Personally I think that a lot of modern movies are made with the intention of relaxing the viewer and that more movies from the past focus on making the viewer think, be it about life or about aliens. I’m not saying that all the modern movies are dumb and don’t make you think or that there are no relaxing movies from the past, but there are more modern movies that are made to be relaxing and more movies from the past that make you think. So if I want to relax while watching a movie I will first search for modern movies with better CGI and if I want to watch a complex movie I will search the older movies.



Is it alright to like Roman Polanski’s movies?

Roman Polanski - Wikipedia

Roman Polanski is a french-polish movie director. He’s famous for Rosemary’s Baby, Chinatown, The Pianist and other movies, he’s also been involved with a Rosemary's Baby (film) - Wikipedialot of disasters in his life, for which he was both responsible for and just a helpless bystander. In 1969 his second wife, Sharon Tate, was murdered along with four other people in their home by the Manson family . What’s even worse was that she was eight and a half months pregnant when she was murdered.

For the next eight years Roman Polanski stayed off the media, and then came the year 1977. On the 10th of march that year his reputation went on a downhill and it never got up to where it used to be. He was charged with multiple charges which stated that he drugged and raped a 13 year old girl.

Now that we know what happened in the past, we can answer the question ,,Is it alright to like Roman Polanski’s movies?”

Well there are of course 2 ways to answer that question. Yes or no. Some people are going to say: ,,Yes, it doesn’t matter who the director is and what he does, the movie should just stand for itself and the people should criticize the movie without considering the facts that have nothing to do with the movie.”, and the people who would answer with a no would probably say that it’s not okay to watch and much less like anything made by such a monster.

I personally think that liking Roman Polanski’s movies is okay because you should like something for itself and not because you just like the person or hate something just because you hate the person who made it. No matter what horrible things Roman Polanski has done, I still like the movie ,,Rosemary’s Baby”, not because I like Roman Polanski, but because I just simply like the movie.

3 things I like about “2001: A Space Odyssey”


2001: A Space Odyssey (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1996 ...2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Rotten Tomatoes

2001: A Space Odyssey was directed by Stanley Kubrick and is without a doubt my favorite movie. I like everything about it but if i had to single out 3 things it has to be these three things:

  1.   A lot of movies today are made with the intent of being fun. You watch them not because you want to learn something new, but because you want to rest, take your mind of off something and just simply have fun. I used to watch just those kind of movies, but when i first watched 2001: A Space Odyssey my point of view changed. It wasn’t just a regular movie that made laugh, it was a movie that made me think.
  2. When I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey i was still relatively young. I did understand somethings but not enough to understand the deeper meaning. When I watched it again i was mesmerized by the story so much that I could only think about it.
  3. Stanley Kubrick is one of the best movie directors of all time, so of course almost all of his movies would be amazing including 2001. It had so many stunning and beautiful visuals and scenes that you can only wonder how they made it especially when it was made in 1968, when there wasn’t computer CGI. How did they do the scene where Frank Pole is exercising in the centrifuge? How did they even come up with the monkey scene, that was able to tell so much in such a small amount of time?

I think it’s safe to say that 2001: A Space Odyssey was a beautiful movie that was way ahead of it’s time.

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Stanley Kubrick explains the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey in ...

What does the term ”meme” mean?


Richard Dawkins: Atheism's asset or liability?The Selfish Gene - Wikipedia

Today when they hear the word ”meme” most people think of the funny jokes that are spread around the internet, but is that the only thing the word ”meme” means?

Well in 1976 an ethologist Richard Dawkins, came up with the term ”meme” in his book ”The Selfish Gene”.  A meme is something that changes the culture, the way that the people think about something, by relaying a certain information.A meme is a word that describes the power of ideas and how they can change. He himself said that he didn’t mean for memes to become such a big thing on the internet, as he came up with this term before the internet even existed. He said he thought that it would be used for newspapers and TV. Richard Dawkins compared the term meme with the term gene, as they are similar. Both self-replicate and change over time.

A few ways to entertain yourself in quarantine

One of the things you could do is make an at home cinema. Instead of just watching movies on TV you can set the mood that feels like you’re at the movies.

I use a projector but watching on TV is good as well. Of course you first need to choose the movie you’re going to watch, choose snacks like popcorn, chips and candy. You can even take it to next level and make posters and movie tickets. I’m confident to say that if you love going to the cinema, you’re going to love this.