
Eternals in Serbia came out on 11th November. My family was in Vienna then, so I decided to watch it with my friend on the 12th. I spent the whole day thinking about the movie, avoiding the spoilers, thinking if this movie would change the whole marvel cinematic universe as I know it. I have been a fan on mcu for at least 10 years now, and after the long 2020, I can’t help but get excited for the finally released Black Widow, Shang Chi, and the Eternals. I ran in the theater thrilled to watch the movie, and walked out confused. I mean, it’s supposed to be Marvel, it’s supposed to be fun, full of jokes, and not take itself too seriously. And yet Eternals tried to do that, they tried to make serious movie, of course they add a few jokes here and there, but the feel of it is just different. So much that when I went to watch the second time, it was painfully boring. And I watched Shang-Chi 3 times, knowing full well all the scenes, and still had a lot more fun than watching Eternals.


One of the things I hate that mcu movies use constantly, especially, Eternals is the thought that Earth is so special. I mean, how many universe threatening events can happen on just one planet? And suddenly Ajak, who is said to have lead millions of planets to their doom, just suddenly decides that Earth is special? Because the snap just suddenly happened on it. If she feels such remorse, why not save countless other planets and lives.


Also, another thought, Thanos is also an eternal. A very powerful and important mutant eternal, who learned to control the cosmic energy, also called a Titanian eternal. So I think it’s safe to assume that he knows about the celestials planting other celestials in the planets and purposely increasing the number of intelligent life on it, so the celestials can rise. Well, what if Thanos, with the snap, wanted to stop that, or just prolong the process, because he’s cutting the population in half, therefore less intelligent life for the celestial to feed of and less destruction of planets and living beings.